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Showing posts from November, 2019

Day after the Day of the Dead

'Tis the season to remember those who have died. Here are those on my virtual altar: Daddy (Jack Coode) Mama (Mildred Sharp Coode) Michael McKenzie, my nephew Jack McKenzie, my brother-in-law My cousins:  Vincent, Peter and David Coode, all brothers -- doesn't seem fair for one family to lose so many at such young ages Annelle Shelton Foster Larry Luster Lynne Jones Daue (a dear cousin-in-law) Uncles Joe, Victor and T Coode Uncles Jesse, Tom, Jack and Bill Sharp Aunts Mag, Austin, Sr. D Coode Aunts Dorothy, Ebbie, Frances and Peggy Sharp And their spouses Roy, Bill, Ray B, Liz, Ellen, Peggy, Mary Margaret, Ray D, Billy and Hugh My dear friend Lynn Holmes who was so good to me And now my cousin Margaret Brandt Carruthers, who died yesterday at the age of 61. She had waited a long time before visiting the doctor about her stomach pain, and then was told she had stomach cancer. It metastasized into her spine and she died in the middle of the night, November ...

Year in review (age 51)

Last year I downloaded and started using 1SE, One Second Everyday. Since November 1, 2018, I managed to take a brief video or live photo almost every day -- missed a few here and there, didn't bother on days when not much happened -- and now I have this almost 10 minute video of a year of my life. Going to lectures, drinking, sitting in airplanes, going to book group, eating, drinking, looking at trees, listening to live music, drinking ... Watching it, it's clear that was taking 2-3 second videos the first few months, and then I switched to one second live photos the last few months. The change seems a little abrupt. Anywhoo, here it is . Not a bad year. Maybe I'll say more about it later.